
About Us

AGCNN (Agastya Global Communication & News Network), a unit of AVIS (Agastya Voice and Infotainment Services Pvt. Ltd.), promotes major media and communication media like web media, new media etc. It emphasizes on lively and dynamic information media. This network has been established to create a new pillar of communication in the country and the world. It emphasizes on empowering everyone in the field of journalism through new media and provides a platform for everyone to express their views and opinion.

AGCNN establishes a world-class network of communication along with providing news and information. Under this, is being operated, which is a news portal as well as a platform for all other types of information. This is an opportunity for independent journalists. On this portal, any person who is above 18 years can create his account and upload information & news. Apart from this, many other facilities are available on this portal. For more information about this you can visit



• To make the society aware through journalism.

• To strengthen the exchange of information to every person in the society.

• To provide training to the society in various areas of new information technology and communication.

• To provide various types of employment in the field of media and new information technology.



• To bring credible and fact based news to the masses by promoting independent journalism.

• To lay emphasis on the freedom of expression of every person.